How the LFT is helping shape the future of public education
Big changes are coming to public education. Will teachers guide those changes, or stand on the sidelines watching?
Faced with that choice, the Louisiana Federation of Teachers chose engagement. A new federal program called Race to the Top promises the biggest changes to public education in a generation.
While others balked at “R2T,” the Federation negotiated hard and smart, making sure that teachers can be partners in setting a new direction for our schools.
Find out more about the Race to the Top program, how LFT impacted Louisiana's application for the federal grant, and what R2T will mean to the profession of teaching. Check back on this page often - new information will be posted as it becomes available.
LFT on Race to the Top
Frequently asked questions: Important information about Race to the Top.
On December 21, 2009, LFT issued a press release outlining the Federation's participation in Race to the Top and explaining our expectations for engagement in the program.
LFT Race to the Top press release
LFT President Steve Monaghan's January, 2010 newsletter, Your LFT Connection, is dedicated to Race to the Top.
Your LFT Connection
LFT wrote a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to be included in the state's Race tro the Top application
LFT Race to the Top letter
Download an LFT flyer that helps explain our position.
Download flyer
AFT on Race to the Top
AFT released a statement on the day that Race to the Top applications were due in Washington.
AFT statement on Race to the Top
AFT President Randi Weingarten wrote an article outlining her call for a "NewPath Forward" in public education.
Randi Weingarten: A New Path Forward for Public Education
Weingarten's speech to the National Press Club weas widely regarded as a significant reform effort from a union leader.
Video: Randi Weingarten's speech to the National Press Club
U.S. Department of Education's Race to the Top Web site
The U.S. Department of Education has a Web site with links that explain virtually every aspect of the new federal program.
U.S. Department of Education Race to the Top Web site
Louisiana Department of Education
The Louisiana Department of Education is the agency responsible for the state's application for Race to the Top funds. The state departmetn will funnel grants to participating local systems.
LDOE has a Web site that includes all of the available information on Louisiana's application.
LDOE Race to the Top Web site
LDOE press release: BESE Approves Louisiana’s Participation in Race to the Top
LDOE press release: Louisiana Education Leaders Unite in Pursuit of Race to the Top